Women at the Top

(The National Law Journal)

Fifty litigators who succeed in and out of the courthouse

Suzelle M. Smith is a plaintiffs’ attorney who has won substantial settlements and verdicts against the National Football League, Southern California Edison, the city of Irvine, Calif., General Electric Co. and Sears Roebuck & Co. This summer, Smith won a $16.3 million verdict against Cotter Corp. on behalf of 25 plaintiffs who were contending that Cotter’s uranium mill poisoned their community; that judgment was increased to $43.3 million in November, through the addition of prejudgment interest and the cost of medical monitoring. For several years, Smith also represented defendants in high-profile litigations. She has returned to a plaintiffs’-only practice and is currently representing the government of the Marshall Islands in a major lawsuit filed against the tobacco industry that will likely be the first international tobacco case to be tried.